Dancing Naked

Day 11 is in the form of an acrostic. This form is so playful and fits the prompt – lively. I called on an inner truth of mine, and one that I strive to reach. Sometimes I succeed, and sometimes I don’t. The poem is inspired from a book I read called Dancing Naked at the Edge of Dawn by Kris Radish. The book is about a woman who becomes empowered after a devastating discovery that changes her life. Isn’t that what Dancing Naked is about? Becoming empowered and vulnerable and embracing our wonderful selves as women?

Dancing Naked

Dancing naked from my heart,

All from a place of knowing myself.

Nothing holds this wild spirit back,

Chances taken are never risks.

Instead of fear I joyfully offer

No apologies, no lies.

Gaining respect for myself,

Never giving up on myself,

Always owning my own truth,

Kissing old beliefs goodbye.

Ever brave, ever strong,

Dancing naked from my heart.


~CWylde © 2016

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