Sweet Grace

Day 17 of OctPoWriMo is here! The prompt is Savory. The word brings up food, but I related it to my life experiences. A lot of that lately, to be sure. The form is in a sonnet, but I took some liberties in this. Mainly because on a strict level, I wanted to experience more. So here it is! Savory plays the part of embracing the sweetness of me and my inner self.

Sweet Grace

If I moved within my own dreams of time,

All my possibilities would rise to the stars,

And yet, I find myself lacking a reason or rhyme

In my own little universe cast afar.

I dreamed, oh, how I dreamed when I was young,

Believing in fairy tales, unicorns, fields of gold.

With sparkling sweet pixie dust held on my tongue

I made my will known with words so bold.

No knight in shining armor rode his steady steed,

No brilliant shining being whisked me away.

No, I became a woman whose heart began to bleed

With sorrows untold until one glorious day

I found myself staring at sweet beautiful grace,

I saw myself laughing at such angst and dismay.


~CWylde © 2016

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